Clinics & Services
There are many services available for you, depending on your condition. These include:
· Self-care – This is the best choice to treat minor illnesses and injuries such as hangovers, coughs, colds, grazes, small cuts, or sore throats. Many of these can be treated at home, simply with over-the-counter medicines and plenty of rest. For more information visit: · Pharmacy – Pharmacists can give advice on and treat a range of symptoms. They can support you with things such as diarrhoea, earaches, painful coughs, sticky eyes, teething and rashes. To find your nearest pharmacy call 111 or visit · NHS 111 – You can access 111 online or via the telephone. This is for any urgent but non-life threatening health concerns. They will be able to signpost you to the relevant service and provide advice where appropriate, or book you into an Urgent Treatment Centre.
· A&E / 999 – You should only attend A&E or dial 999 in a life-threatening emergency such as severe bleeding, breathing difficulties and severe chest pain.
Pharmacy First - Lincolnshire Community Pharmacy Project
From 1st February 2024, your local pharmacy is able to provide you with advice and treatment for 7 common conditions. Your pharmacist will consult with you to assess your condition and is able to prescribe medication if needed. You do not need a referral from your GP and the pharmacist will refer you to your GP if the feel this is necessary. If you have any of the following conditions, please consult with your pharmacist before contacting the practice:
- Shingles - for anyone aged 18yrs or over (symptoms include pain, burning, itching, fluid-filled blisters, red rash, sensitivity to touch)
- Sore throat - for anyone aged 5yrs or over
- Sinusitis - for anyone aged 12yrs and over - (symptoms include blocked nose, pain around cheeks, eyes or forehead, sinus headache, high temperature, toothache, nasal discharge)
- Infected insect bite - for anyone aged 1yr or over (red, swollen, hot, itchy, pus in/around bite)
- Urinary Tract Infection - for women aged 16-64yrs - (symptoms include pain/discomfort when peeing, increased/sudden need to urinate, pain low down in the tummy, cloudy/foul smelling urine)
- Otitis Media (earache) - for anyone aged 1-17yrs
- Impetigo - for anyone aged 1yr and over - (symptoms include red, itchy sores on skin)
Speak to your local pharmacist if you have any of the above conditions/symptoms before contacting the practice.
Health Promotion Clinics
The practice provides a programme of full chronic disease management and a range of Health Promotion clinics for the following:
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Health Checks
- Child Health
- Weight Reduction & Management
- Smoking Cessation
For an appointment or further details please contact reception during normal opening hours.
Other Services Available

- Cervical Smears - you now book these online via the NHS App or Patient Access
- Ear Care
- Travel Health Advice
- Immunisation/Vaccinations
- Family Planning
- Full Contraceptive Services
- Childhood Immunisations
- Minor Surgery
- Minor illness
As part of the Lincolnshire Health and Care Strategy that is shaping services to better meet the needs of patients into the future, there are a number of changes being introduced with regard to the way in which information is shared between health care professionals.
For more information please click here.
Please click HERE for information relating to the development of a Primary Care Network of local GP Practices
We are delighted to announce that we are now welcoming patients to our new branch site – Beechfield West Medical Centre!
After many months of hard work from local trades and practice staff in getting the site ready for clinical services, we have started to offer face to face appointments at the branch site from Monday 30th October. when booking your appointment, you will be advised which site to attend, and your automatic reminder text messages will also state the address for you.
We are so pleased to be able to finally offer residents on the west side of the town a more convenient option to access medical services and hope to be able to expand the range of services we offer at both sites over the coming years. All patients registered at Beechfield Medical Centre will have access to services across both sites, and all appointments for Beechfield West must be pre-booked and will be subject to availability. All enquires, bookings and queries should be made through the main site and accessed as usual either online via our website or by telephone on 01775 724088.
Follow our website and Facebook page for updates and further details.